Connect mE Мама

Connect  Мама Материнство - это уникальный и трансформационный этап в жизни каждой женщины. В ходе этого путешествия мы переживаем широкий спектр эмоций - от огромной радости и счастья до ощущения...

Connect mE Mama: Navigating Postpartum Together

Calling all moms! Welcome to our empowering and nurturing weekly Postpartum Support Group, where we’re here to understand, support, and guide you through the beautiful yet challenging journey of motherhood. If you’re feeling anxious, lonely, overwhelmed, or simply in need of connection, this mastermind group is the perfect place for you.


Six months coaching with Nicole Marry

Are you desperately trying to find or redefine your identity, a path, or a destination? Or are you paralyzed and feeling stuck due to overanalyzing everything? Nicole Marry, Master mE Coach, knows exactly how you feel. Nicole has restored her inner peace, has found her purpose, and now guides her clients to do the same.

$2,900 every 3 months for 6 months

Introduction to Animal Communication

Have you ever desired a deeper understanding of your pets and the animals around you? Are you intrigued by the countless ways animals communicate with humans and each other?


June 26-30, 2023 Monday - Friday

Talk with Animals Virtual Camp

Have you ever wished you could understand your pets better? Are you curious about the ways animals communicate with humans and each other? Join us for an incredible online adventure at Talk With Animals Virtual Camp, where parents and children come together to explore the fascinating world of animal communication from the comfort of your own home!

June 26-30, 2023 Monday - Friday