My Secret Stash

My Secret Stash

May 17, 20241 min read

I am not exactly proud of this, but, yes, it is true – I have a secret stash of chocolate in my house! A few weeks back, when I was a bit overwhelmed with self-inflicted amount of work, my husband Randy brought me a bag full of different kinds of dark chocolate. I turned it into my secret stash. It is out of the way, is not easily accessible, and is my reward for those going an extra mile moments.

Yesterday would qualify one, as I was driving home at 12:30AM returning from my office after recording an amazing interview late into the night, accommodating a unique schedule of my upcoming podcast guest. I came home to my little shepherd mix Tommy fighting through an anxiety attack, and he and I hung out till 2AM. I finally was drifting to sleep with him snug on one side of me and Randy on the other, which, of course, gave a permission to my other two dogs Charlie and Roo to climb into the bed and position themselves by our feet as to pretend to be unnoticeable.

As I lay in bed, too tired to even think of chocolate, I was nourished by a much different realization. Tears of joy were running down my cheeks – and yes possibly magnified exhaustion – deep joy of this secret stash of love from my immediate home team.

Who, what, and where is your secret stash of love? And … whose secret stash of love are you? Let’s all surprise someone we love today.

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