On How To Share Your Light…

On How To Share Your Light…

As each one of us is walking our own healing and growing journey, we discover and connect to our deep truths. Freeing ourselves from the need to suppress or repress those, we often can over-correct by... ...more

Yu2Shine Blog

May 17, 20242 min read

My Two Favorite Quotes

My Two Favorite Quotes

The true understanding of this ability to decide, to follow through, and to correct as needed is very freeing and has served hundreds of my clients and students throughout the years. ...more

Yu2Shine Blog

May 17, 20241 min read

Are You Scared?

Are You Scared?

Some of our fears are obvious, triggering fight or flight responses from us. Some are lingering, making us freeze in indecision. Some are just plain tricky showing up as worry over the outcome. ...more

Yu2Shine Blog

May 17, 20241 min read

My Secret Stash

My Secret Stash

I am not exactly proud of this, but, yes, it is true – I have a secret stash of chocolate in my house! A few weeks back, when I was… ...more

Yu2Shine Blog

May 17, 20241 min read

The Truth Shall Set You Free

The Truth Shall Set You Free

A shift has happened. A profound, deep, cleansing, and deeply freeing shift has happened for me. I have allowed the truth to set me free. ...more

Yu2Shine Blog

May 17, 20241 min read

Half-Hearted vs Committed vs Devoted

Half-Hearted vs Committed vs Devoted

One insight that I wanted to share with you is that a life lived half-heartedly is a life that is void of mysteries and miracles. It is a stagnant life. Half-heartedness is a result of a fear of a bro... ...more

Yu2Shine Blog

May 17, 20242 min read

Hear Vs Listen

Hear Vs Listen

Most of our disappointments and betrayals in life start right here – when we are making this choice to ignore the Voice inside us and act as we get used to, or because we are trying to please, too afr... ...more

Yu2Shine Blog

May 17, 20242 min read

Emerging Out of Emergency

Emerging Out of Emergency

Notice what you notice, for what you notice is what you create. I have been on a continued frequency of gratitude for great medical care since my dad’s surgery. Connecting the dots, I realized that my... ...more

Yu2Shine Blog

May 17, 20242 min read

A Miracle of Commitment

A Miracle of Commitment

The only commitment we can make is to our effort. Winning in life is committing to daily efforts and allowing God to amaze you with results that surpass any of your goals. Small, realistic commitments... ...more

Yu2Shine Blog

May 17, 20243 min read


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