Hear Vs Listen

Hear Vs Listen

May 17, 20242 min read

For many years my family has had a beautiful tradition – every July we’re having a vacation on the ocean. Wherever we are and how busy our business schedule may be, we always find time for each other and this family trip. It is our personal time to reconnect, recharge, rest and refocus if needed.

Two years ago during one of these trips I heard the Voice telling me “it’s time to buy a house”. Let me tell you – it wasn’t in my plans, I was going to have a vacation and not do house hunting 🙂 But thanks to my previous career in real estate, I knew all the steps, so we found a house and made an offer in 3 days. All this process from the start to the end seemed surreal and impossible. But we made it. After 3 months of different obstacles we officially were the owners of the gorgeous beach house.

Why am I sharing this with you? Because of the one sentence – “I heard the Voice”.
For many years now I recognize its gentle whisper and I follow that Voice. Was it always easy to hear it? – Yes. Was it always easy to listen to it and follow it? – No.

Have you been betrayed? I have. And if I looked back I knew the moment when it happened – when I made a wrong choice. Most of our disappointments and betrayals in life start right here – when we are making this choice to ignore the Voice inside us and act as we get used to, or because we are trying to please, too afraid to take an action, to be ourselves and so on.

It’s a personal choice to follow that Voice (you can call it Intuiting, “Gut feeling”, Prompting) and it is the most freeing experience of all. We have the best compass of all times – our heart. Next time when in doubt – put your hand on your heart, ask yourself a question and you will feel the beautiful surge of loving energy, dive deeper into it and listen to the message, the answer, the guidance and then choose to follow it. Choose your Divine Guidance. Choose to be true to yourself.

Energy activation from our Master-mE App

“I have Creator’s definition, perspective and understanding of guidance. Mine are the same. I know how to hear and heed God’s Voice. Receiving Divine guidance is my birthright, as I choose to seek it. I am inspired. I am guided. I am.”

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