Better Than Luck 💚
Today, as the world celebrates St. Patrick’s Day, my heart is drawn to something deeper—something beyond luck and clovers.
Three years ago, on this very day, my grandmother Vera transitioned from this world. Her name, Vera, means Faith in Ukrainian. And faith—true, unwavering faith—is what she lived by.
St. Patrick’s Day is wrapped in green, a color many associate with luck. But in the energy of the universe, green is the color of the heart chakra, the color of LOVE. And LOVE is not about luck. LOVE is a calling. LOVE is a choice. LOVE is a frequency we align with.
My grandmother embodied love in its purest form. She was a woman of faith and resilience, always choosing to trust in the unseen, to love without limits, and to believe in something greater than herself.
And today, I honor her by embracing that same faith—faith in God, in LOVE, in connection, in the divine unfolding of every moment.
Place your hand on your heart and affirm:
"I trust in the divine flow of LOVE. I open my heart to connection. I live by faith, not fear. I am LOVE. I am mE."
If you are ready to heal and strengthen your relationships, I invite you to explore Connect mE coaching with the incredible Valeriia Hearn. She has an extraordinary gift for helping people reconnect—within themselves and with others.
If you are seeking to connect with a loved one beyond the veil, lean into the power of Hear mE: Journaling Beyond the Veil for profound heart-healing insights.
If LOVE is calling your heart, whether you are seeking to manifest a soulmate or deepen the love you already have, I encourage you to experience the recording of the LOVE mE Soulmate Seminar. Because love isn’t about luck—it’s about alignment, intention, and faith.
Today, as you see the world dressed in green, may it remind you—not just of St. Patrick’s Day, but of your own heart’s infinite capacity for LOVE, connection, and faith.
In honor of Vera, in honor of LOVE, in honor of you.
It’s your turn.
Surrender to LOVE,