All About the Voice

Welcome to ALL ABOUT THE VOICE podcast, where we focus on awareness, alignment, action, and abundance.

Some call it intuition. Some call it Spirit. Some call it the sixth sense. Some call it the divine prompting.

We call it the Voice.

You have experienced the peace of when you have followed it, and you have definitely experienced the consequences of ignoring it.

Victoria Rader, our host, presents this freeing and empowering Voice phenomenon via four aspects:

AWARENESS – our ability to hear the Voice.

ALIGNMENT – our choice to listen to the Voice.

ACTION – our practice in following the Voice.

ABUNDANCE – our result of living our life as guided by the Voice.

All About the Voice

Welcome to ALL ABOUT THE VOICE podcast, where we focus on awareness, alignment, action, and abundance.

Some call it intuition. Some call it Spirit. Some call it the sixth sense. Some call it the divine prompting.

We call it the Voice.

You have experienced the peace of when you have followed it, and you have definitely experienced the consequences of ignoring it.

Victoria Rader, our host, presents this freeing and empowering Voice phenomenon via four aspects:

AWARENESS – our ability to hear the Voice.

ALIGNMENT – our choice to listen to the Voice.

ACTION – our practice in following the Voice.

ABUNDANCE – our result of living our life as guided by the Voice.

Join Victoria and her guests in exploring and expand your awareness, alignment, action, and abundance

All Episodes of All About the Voice

Overcoming the Impossible Through Faith with Andre Xavier

Life took a turn for Andre and Charlie (his wife) due to a horrific burn accident that would alter their life as they knew it forever. Charlie’s miraculous journey of recovery was sustained by faith and moments of serendipity.

Stress Free Solutions with Sarah Alysse Rosner

She is a stress management consultant who helps companies to cultivate a low stress environment so that their employees can be happier and be productive. She believes there are ways we can all find stress free SOULutions.

Child’s Mindset Development

with Rahima Khoja

She is a mom, an international speaker,

an educator, Founder and Director of Invincible Kids. She passionately inspires the kids to choose better thinking thoughts. Rahima is a voice for the Invincible Child, and this is her story.

Conscious Parenting - with

Robert Saul MD

Robert Saul MD, pediatrician, medical geneticist, educator, administrator and author deeply cares for all children. With over 44 years of medical practice he has developed a keen awareness about parenting skills: how to raise children to

be good citizens.

Transformation After Divorce –

with Jasmine Rice

What do you do when you face a divorce? First and foremost, you need to trust that good things are gonna come. Having gone through a divorce herself, Jasmine Rice, a Life Coach and Founder of Good Things Are Gonna Come, helps her clients to restore a lost connection.

Freedom to Lead - with

Skye Barbour

Leaving a corporate career to start your own business is scary enough. Doing so while 5 month-pregnant with mommy guilt attached, Skye Barbour has proven that all of us have a choice. Today a freedom, leadership, and business coach, she helps to create a life of freedom.

Being Authentic – with

Agi Keramidas

He, followed a prompt to first leave Greece for the UK, and then leave his dentist practice to start podcasting. Today his Personal Development Mastery Podcast is ranked in the top 2% of all podcasts globally! He is a voice for personal development through authenticity.

From a Soldier to a Foster Parent –

with Tony Erskine

Being shot by a sniper and returning into a machine gunfire to successfully defend his Scout team from an insurgent attack, Tony is the Principal Software Engineer for CloudCard LLC, found that being a parent to his 3 natural and 26 adopted and foster children required more courage.

Modern Consciousness –

with Stacie Shifflett

She has always followed the inner knowing of pursuing what she felt was best for her and her family. Developing multiple successful businesses, healing through a loss of a child and a marriage, living a fulfilled life of travel and learning.She is a voice for Modern Consciousness.

Seeing the Unseen – with

Daniel Levin

From walking away from an opportunity to run a billion dollar business to almost becoming a Rabbi, to living as a monk, to growing Hay House from $3 mln to $100 mln of revenue a year, to writing and living the Mosaic, great storyteller He has given himself a permission to be himself.

Following God’s Voice – with

Bob Beaudine

Sports Illustrated calls him “the most influential man in sports". He is the President and CEO of Eastman and Beaudine and is one of the nation’s most respected executives. Bob is the author of the two bestselling books The Power of Who and 2 Chairs, and he dedicates his immense success to following God’s Voice.

A Time of Transition – with

Joe Miller

His career shift from being an analytical chemist to an IT VP and to becoming an Executive Coach ,a Founder of Leadership Inklings is a journey of transformation of becoming aware of his talents and living from a place of sharing them with others.

He is a voice for encouraged transfor-mation and this is his story.

The True Meaning of Healing –

with Goran Karna

Goran Karna has been practicing and teaching healing for over 30 years. Through the Civil War in Yugoslavia, through the loss of his parents, and through many health challenges, he has learned the true meaning of healing. Goran has combined his life experience and wisdom into Integration Healing.

Ignite Possibilities – with JB Owen

The Pink Billionaire herself, JB Owen. Founder and CEO of Ignite Publishing, Ignite Moments Media, Lotus Liners, and JBO Global; international motivational speaker, executive producer, 17 times international best-selling author and an award-winning developer, a mother, a stepmother. JB Owen is a voice for possibility and this is her story.

Live Inspired – with John O’Leary

John O’Leary has touched millions of hearts worldwide sharing his life-story of a 9-year old boy, burned on 100% of his body and with a “0” chance of survival. While John’s survival story is indeed a miracle, his dedication to live his life “On Fire” despite all odds and physical limitations and inspire others to do the same truly leaves one “In Awe”.

Push It to the Limits – with

Paul Engemann

Very much like in his “Push it to the Limits” hit from the famous crime drama Scarface, he has been pushing it to and through the limits. With an incredibly successful music career, followed by an equally successful interior design career, and now a Dimond Elite for Rain International, Paul is a voice for trust.

How to Live Life Magically –

with Maddie Sparkles

What is it to live your life magically? Is it hakuna matata, the worry-free philosophy? According to Madeline P Wober aka Maddie Sparkles, America’s Scottish Sparkle, we live our life magically when we get out of our own way, release our fears, have faith and step into our power and feel divinely guided.

Whatever It Takes… Live Life Rich – with Marissa Nehlsen

Whatever it takes and no matter what, from abuse-filled childhood and extreme poverty to running 7 multi-million dollar business and being a CEO of a company managing over $1,000,000,000 Marissa Nehlsen, Money and Business strategist, is a voice for all things working for your good.

Remap your thinking with Kim Levings

“It wasn’t your life to take…” was a message Kim Levings received from God upon her second unsuccessful attempt to taker her life. “There is a better way to live, I’ll show you and you will show others.” Now for over three decades, Kim Levings, the CEO and founder of ReThink You Consulting, has been a voice for better life.

Discover Energy Work – with Richard

From the black belt in Kung Fu, to the mountains of Tibet learning Tai Chi from his Dao Master, to becoming a practicing psychologist, to developing his own Energy Matrix Mapping technique honoring his daughter’s life, He uses his understanding of energy to heal and to open people’s minds to possibilities and opportunities to improve their lives and bring them more.

When peace is a missing piece with Lydia Knorr

Discovering Y.O.U. Y – O – U – Your Own Uniqueness is what speaker, author, and health and wellness educator Lydia Knorr does best. Having found her voice for peace after losing her husband Mike, she helps other women to connect to their inner spirit to be guided to their life’s purpose.

Communicating your true purpose with Dr. Rowena Winkler

She has taken communication to a whole new level from her degree and years of practice in communication to communicating her true purpose. A cosmic catalyst coach and a realignment strategist, she now helps other women to discover and follow their passion.

From conditioning of the past to living your true design with Robert Kittridge

Default or design. Two ways to live our life. After 30 years of dedicated fire service, followed by an outstanding coaching career, Robert Kittridge discovered his unique path and purpose through a system called Human Design.

Discovering a flip side to grief

with Carrie Wipfli

From walking the shadows of deep despair of loosing her daughter to discovering a flip side to grief, Carrie Wipfli is guiding grieving moms from loneliness and void of the absence of the loved one to peaceful clarity and joyful spiritual connection and communication.

From wrongfully convicted teen to attorney for the innocent with

Jeffrey Deskovic

Jeffrey Deskovic spent 16 years in prison for the crime he did not commit before he was proven to be innocent. Jeffrey Deskovic is a voice for Justice, Freedom and Hope and this is his story.


Only you hold the dimmer in your hands, only you can decide to turn on the power within you to its full power or to safely dim it down, afraid of being noticed, misunderstood or judged. Quantum freedom flows from awareness, alignment, action and abundance.


Miss-aligned action often lead to devastating results. We are here together to create genuine abundance. Notice what you are noticing. What are the thoughts going through your head? Are there any form of questioning? We often believe that abundance and prosperity is possible.


We are energy, pulsating atoms and flow of quantum particles, nicely organized by universal divine order. Freedom is alignment.


What can the story of Michelangelo’s Statute of David teach us about ourselves. When we are aware we can then choose.

All About the Voice Introduction

You are often bombarded with all kinds of voices, drowning out the best voice you need to be listening to, your inner voice.

Join Victoria and her guests in exploring and expand your awareness, alignment, action, and abundance

All Episodes of All About the Voice

Overcoming the Impossible Through Faith with Andre Xavier

Life took a turn for Andre and Charlie (his wife) due to a horrific burn accident that would alter their life as they knew it forever. Charlie’s miraculous journey of recovery was sustained by faith and moments of serendipity.

Stress Free Solutions with Sarah

Alysse Rosner

She is a stress management consultant who helps companies to cultivate a low stress environment so that their employees can be happier and be productive. She believes there are ways we can all find stress free SOULutions.

Child’s Mindset Development

with Rahima Khoja

She is a mom, an international speaker,

an educator, Founder and Director of Invincible Kids. She passionately inspires the kids to choose better thinking thoughts. Rahima is a voice for the Invincible Child, and this is her story.

Conscious Parenting - with

Robert Saul MD

Robert Saul MD, pediatrician, medical geneticist, educator, administrator and author deeply cares for all children. With over 44 years of medical practice he has developed a keen awareness about parenting skills: how to raise children to

Transformation After Divorce –

with Jasmine Rice

What do you do when you face a divorce? First and foremost, you need to trust that good things are gonna come. Having gone through a divorce herself, Jasmine Rice, a Life Coach and Founder of Good Things Are Gonna Come, helps her clients to restore a lost connection.

Freedom to Lead - with Skye Barbour

Leaving a successful corporate career to start your own business is scary enough. Doing so while 5 month-pregnant with mommy guilt attached, Skye Barbour has proven that all of us have a choice. Today a freedom, leadership, and business coach, she helps to create a life of freedom.

Being Authentic – with Agi Keramidas

He, followed a prompt to first leave Greece for the UK, and then leave his dentist practice to start podcasting. Today his Personal Development Mastery Podcast is ranked in the top 2% of all podcasts globally! He is a voice for personal development through authenticity.

From a Soldier to a Foster Parent –

with Tony Erskine

Being shot by a sniper and returning into a machine gunfire to successfully defend his Scout team from an insurgent attack, Tony is the Principal Software Engineer for CloudCard LLC, found that being a parent to his 3 natural and 26 adopted and foster children required more courage.

Modern Consciousness –

with Stacie Shifflett

She has always followed the inner knowing of pursuing what she felt was best for her and her family. Developing multiple successful businesses, healing through a loss of a child and a marriage, living a fulfilled life of travel and learning.She is a voice for Modern Consciousness.

Seeing the Unseen – with

Daniel Levin

From walking away from an opportunity to run a billion dollar business to almost becoming a Rabbi, to living as a monk, to growing Hay House from $3 mln to $100 mln of revenue a year, to writing and living the Mosaic, great storyteller He has given himself a permission to be himself.

Following God’s Voice – with

Bob Beaudine

Sports Illustrated calls him “the most influential man in sports". He is the President and CEO of Eastman and Beaudine and is one of the nation’s most respected executives. Bob is the author of the two bestselling books The Power of Who and 2 Chairs, and he dedicates his immense success to following God’s Voice.

A Time of Transition – with

Joe Miller

His career shift from being an analytical chemist to an IT VP and to becoming an Executive Coach ,a Founder of Leadership Inklings is a journey of transformation of becoming aware of his talents and living from a place of sharing them with others.

He is a voice for encouraged transfor-mation and this is his story.

The True Meaning of Healing –

with Goran Karna

Goran Karna has been practicing and teaching healing for over 30 years. Through the Civil War in Yugoslavia, through the loss of his parents, and through many health challenges, he has learned the true meaning of healing. Goran has combined his life experience and wisdom into Integration Healing.

Ignite Possibilities – with JB Owen

The Pink Billionaire herself, JB Owen. The Founder and CEO of Ignite Publishing, Ignite Moments Media, Lotus Liners, and JBO Global; international motivational speaker, executive producer, 17 times international best-selling author and an award-winning developer, a mother, a stepmother. JB Owen is a voice for possibility and this is her story.

Live Inspired – with John O’Leary

John O’Leary has touched millions of hearts worldwide sharing his life-story of a 9-year old boy, burned on 100% of his body and with a “0” chance of survival. While John’s survival story is indeed a miracle, his dedication to live his life “On Fire” despite all odds and physical limitations and inspire others to do the same truly leaves one “In Awe”.

Push It to the Limits – with

Paul Engemann

Very much like in his “Push it to the Limits” hit from the famous crime drama Scarface, he has been pushing it to and through the limits. With an incredibly successful music career, followed by an equally successful interior design career, and now a Dimond Elite for Rain International, Paul is a voice for trust.

How to Live Life Magically –

with Maddie Sparkles

What is it to live your life magically? Is it hakuna matata, the worry-free philosophy? According to Madeline P Wober aka Maddie Sparkles, America’s Scottish Sparkle, we live our life magically when we get out of our own way, release our fears, have faith and step into our power and feel divinely guided.

Whatever It Takes… Live Life Rich –

with Marissa Nehlsen

Whatever it takes and no matter what, from abuse-filled childhood and extreme poverty to running 7 multi-million dollar business and being a CEO of a company managing over $1,000,000,000 Marissa Nehlsen, Money and Business strategist, is a voice for all things working for your good.

Remap your thinking with Kim Levings

“It wasn’t your life to take…” was a message Kim Levings received from God upon her second unsuccessful attempt to taker her life. “There is a better way to live, I’ll show you and you will show others.” Now for over three decades, Kim Levings, the CEO and founder of ReThink You Consulting, has been a voice for better life.

Discover Energy Work – with Richard

From the black belt in Kung Fu, to the mountains of Tibet learning Tai Chi from his Dao Master, to becoming a practicing psychologist, to developing his own Energy Matrix Mapping technique honoring his daughter’s life, He uses his understanding of energy to heal and to open people’s minds to possibilities and opportunities to improve their lives and bring them more.

When peace is a missing piece

with Lydia Knorr

Discovering Y.O.U. Y – O – U – Your Own Uniqueness is what speaker, author, and health and wellness educator Lydia Knorr does best. Having found her voice for peace after losing her husband Mike, she helps other women to connect to their inner spirit to be guided to their life’s purpose.

Communicating your true purpose

with Dr. Rowena Winkler

She has taken communication to a whole new level from her degree and years of practice in communication to communicating her true purpose. A cosmic catalyst coach and a realignment strategist, she now helps other women to discover and follow their passion.

From conditioning of the past to living your true design with Robert Kittridge

Default or design. Two ways to live our life. After 30 years of dedicated fire service, followed by an outstanding coaching career, Robert Kittridge discovered his unique path and purpose through a

system called Human Design.

Discovering a flip side to grief

with Carrie Wipfli

From walking the shadows of deep despair of loosing her daughter to discovering a flip side to grief, Carrie Wipfli is guiding grieving moms from loneliness and void of the absence of the loved one to peaceful clarity and joyful spiritual connection and communication.

From wrongfully convicted teen to attorney for the innocent with

Jeffrey Deskovic

Jeffrey Deskovic spent 16 years in prison for the crime he did not commit before he was proven to be innocent. Jeffrey Deskovic is a voice for Justice, Freedom and Hope and this is his story.


Only you hold the dimmer in your hands, only you can decide to turn on the power within you to its full power or to safely dim it down, afraid of being noticed, misunderstood or judged. Quantum freedom flows from awareness, alignment, action and finally abundance.


Miss-aligned action often lead to devastating results. We are here together to create genuine abundance. Notice what you are noticing. What are the thoughts going through your head? Are there any form of questioning? We often believe that abundance and prosperity is possible.


We are energy, pulsating atoms and flow of quantum particles, nicely organized by universal divine order. In an energetic sense, freedom is alignment.


What can the story of Michelangelo’s Statute of David teach us about ourselves. When we are aware we can then choose marble or angel.

All About the Voice Introduction

You are often bombarded with all kinds of voices, drowning out the best voice you need to be listening to, your inner voice.


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