

You have heard that everything is relative… But how so? And, more importantly, how can you benefit from this Universal Law?  Learn how to apply the Law of Relativity to daily impact your life.


40 min


You have heard that everything is relative… But how so? And, more importantly, how can you benefit from this Universal Law?  Learn how to apply the Law of Relativity to daily impact your life  – with Victoria Rader

  • Defining the Laws of Relativity and Law of Polarity
  • Apes and apples: on our every changing perception of reality
  • Adolf Merckle vs Chuck Feeney – triggering the Law of Relativity
  • Constant potentiality of the Law of Polarity
  • How the Law of Polarity applies to three planes of existence
  • Matter to spirit and spirit to matter
  • Daily choice between frustration and self-fulfillment
  • Four practical application steps to benefit from the Laws of Relativity and Polarity

… every failure brings with it the seed of equivalent advantage.
— Napoleon Hill
