Emerging Out of Emergency

Notice what you notice, for what you notice is what you create. I have been on a continued frequency of gratitude for great medical care since my dad’s surgery. Connecting the dots, I realized that my mom was taken to ER just a month ago – and gratefully is also doing well.

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Hear Vs Listen

Most of our disappointments and betrayals in life start right here – when we are making this choice to ignore the Voice inside us and act as we get used to, or because we are trying to please, too afraid to take an action, to be ourselves and so on.

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A Miracle of Commitment

The only commitment we can make is to our effort. Winning in life is committing to daily efforts and allowing God to amaze you with results that surpass any of your goals. Small, realistic commitments that set you up for success.

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From Needy to Fulfilling Your Needs

Who is even a needy person? I mean, we know how we feel around them – they either cause us to involuntarily hold in our breath or mentally whisper some not so positive sentiments. But what makes them/us needy?

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New Beginnings

I realized that we feel stuck if we miss the point of a hidden beginning in a final spin of any cycle; be it a career, a relationship, or even our health. June has become daily series of new beginnings for me. Some big ones and some small ones.

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Perfection Vs Perfectionism

I have been contemplating perfection vs perfectionism. I think this truly is a global pandemic: some of us are never satisfied, pushing ourselves with a constant, “are we there yet?”, while others have figured out early on that it is impossible to get it all right, to do everything perfect, so they have stopped trying, they have given up and have given it to either apathy or procrastination. Where do you find yourself on this scale?

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Love Yourself as You Are

So, just as a reminder. Love yourself as you are. When you feel like nothing, it is hard to love yourself for being nothing, but it is possible, healing, and empowering to love yourself as nothing. As you do, the spark of something, the eternal light within is rekindled. So, here I am, loving myself as I am and inviting you to do the same.

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