Discovering a flip side to grief with Carrie Wipfli

From walking the shadows of deep despair of loosing her daughter to discovering a flip side to grief, Carrie Wipfli is guiding grieving moms from loneliness and void of the absence of the loved one to peaceful clarity and joyful spiritual connection and communication.
Carrie Wipfli is a voice for Joy and this is her story.

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Only you hold the dimmer in your hands, only you can decide to turn on the power within you to its full power or to safely dim it down, afraid of being noticed, misunderstood or judged.
Quantum freedom flows from awareness, alignment, action and finally abundance.

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Welcome to Empower-mE™, your personal journey of empowerment! Unplug from draining feelings of overwhelm, anxiety, stress, confusion, loneliness, and lack. Plug into empowering feelings and practices of support, peace, calmness, clarity, belonging, and prosperity. Empower yourself by remembering that you are one with the Source of all energy, all LOVE, and all possibilities!

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iHappy Through Forgiveness

Did you know that pain, anger, resentment, and frustration take a huge amount of our manifesting power away? And that the ONLY way to claim that power back is through forgiveness…

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iHappy In My Body Part 1: From Some Body to Somebody.

Do you attract into your life everything that you want and need? Are you financially free? Are you free to give and receive love, free to admire and accept yourself fully? Or maybe you sometimes feel that you simply do not belong – either not on this planet, or not in this society, or not with your family, or not with your body…

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Six Mental Faculties

It is not a secret that we all want to create a life full of joy, abundance and happiness. You might have already had great success with the Law of Attraction and manifesting things you desire or maybe you want to learn more.

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You can have anything you want through changing the frequency of who you are. Because we attract, not what we want, not what we think we want, but who we are! With every week deepen a new virtue, attracting new abundant opportunities into your life. Master-mE™ 30 second commitment a day invites mastery transformation into your life.

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